Incoming Exchange Students

Useful course and scheduling information for exchange students

When at Politecnico, students must submit their Study Plan online upon arrival, in order to enrol for classes. The Study Plan must be based on their Learning Agreement. Students are kindly requested to look at the Polimi Incoming Exchange Students webpage for further details and guidance.

All courses at the BSc level are taught in Italian within the Management Engineering Degree. However, starting from the 24/25 academic year, in the third year of the Bachelor’s Degree an additional section taught in English will be activated. The courses that will be taught in English are: 


They will have a constraint on the number of eligible students. Access will be guaranteed by including the above courses in the Study Plan until there are no more spots available. Upon approval of their home institution, BSc exchange students may also enrol in some MSc level courses entirely taught in English. The vast majority of our courses, at the BSc and at the MSc level, are open to exchange students.

MSc exchange Students DO NOT select a Major (or Track), only degree-seeking students do. Students on exchange are therefore free to register for courses throughout the fourteen Majors. However, given the amount of courses, incoming exchange students are recommended to pay attention to potential time overlapping.

While exchange students can potentially access most Politecnico courses, there must be a consistency between their Learning Agreement and the Engineering School programme they select in their application. Further information and guidance can be gained at the following link and will be also provided by our International Mobility Unit once the student is accepted in the mobility programme.

A full semester course load at Politecnico is 30 ECTS credits. Courses run by semesters (September to December, with examinations in January-February; February to June, with examinations in June-July) and there are no summer sessions. One additional Examination Session is administered in September.

Students must sign up for final exams through the online system prior to the examination session or they will not be able to earn a final grade or credits for the course.

Final examinations are graded on a 0-30 grading scale, where the minimum passing grade is 18. A star indicating excellence (Lode) may be awarded to top grade students, at the professor’s discretion.

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